Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2020 01 17

I had this whole other thing I was going to post today.  About how discouraged I’ve been feeling.  The number of panic attacks I’ve had lately.  How I decided to stop feeling like I’m the mosquitoes juice box and only connect with positive messages, even though I know what I have to deal with.  Watching AGT videos and reinforcing the good in life, seeing other people go after their dreams.

I am making lasagna rolls today.  Not turning out very presentable, but they’ll be delicious.  Instead of getting down about it, since I make these all the time, I had… an experience.

I dropped one of the noodles on the floor.

You know something?

When you watch your 3 month old kitten, who has just had 2 bowls of food, by the way, be brave enough and willing enough to battle the evil robot vacuum and prevent it from stealing said lasagna noodle,

  1. there just isn’t much you can say to that.
  2. anything you might have said pales in comparison.

Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2019 12 27

Goodie, goodie, goodie!!!!

Jana sent me a pic of the finished cover graphic for Willow.

This is a HUGE milestone for me.  This will be my 6th book out.  I don’t know why it’s exciting me the way it is.  I don’t care.  HAPPY DANCIN’ HAPPY DANCE!

Where’s that hamster?

I should have Willow out by the end of January.

It will be a while before Hawthorne comes out.  I wasn’t able to write for a couple of years.  But I am editing now!  As fast as can be.  Oak is half done, and I have the basics for Holly started. And yes, I will be getting back to Lamp Light and the Haven Point series at some point in 2020.

I was not in the greatest mood waking up this morning, but right now, after dealing with some nasty whatevers, I decided to change it to a good day and I have hands raised in the air, my cats are looking at me like I’m completely nuts, and Leaf (my kitten) is going bananas.

Hamster Dance and Numa Numa.  That’s how I am celebrating that Willow will be out soon.

Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2019 12 18

I am so glad this movie about Mr. Rogers was made.

I remember making snarky, awful jokes about Mr. Rogers when I was a teen that I realize now weren’t all that funny.  More important, I remember watching Mr. Rogers as a child.

As I’ve gotten older, and see more despair, grief, frustration, politics, it’s things like this that get me through.

I’ve just come out of a rough working situation that annihilated a chunk of what I have been trying to build for a long time. I believe in kindness, which I very much doubt most of my recent coworkers would know. It’s incredibly hard for me to reconcile that not everyone believes in kindness or its power. What really turned it for me, at this place I worked, was an argument I had when I simply said, “Thank you.” I was told: “Don’t thank me. It’s my job and that is a waste of time.”

My own frustration with the situation that went on for far, far too long, was compounded by the unwillingness of people to understand what changes were happening and why, to help, even if it meant grabbing for their own patience and keeping things stable.  I wound up becoming just as negative and critical.  This place sucked the life out of me.  I know what was wanted.  We were 80% there.  But it had been an uphill battle the entire time.  There are “wolves” in the world and, even though I don’t tend to like that term,  we need to learn to deal with them.  Making everything soft isn’t always the most helpful.  And, yeah, I know this goes against some of what I’m saying.  I’m also saying, we don’t have to become rabid or constantly turning on one another.  Being patient and kind doesn’t mean I have to be a doormat or do what is wanted, taking on extra, just because someone else feels like being lazy.  I think this is why most people stop.

Another place I worked at, it was in a room full of very unhappy people, and I ended that contract as soon as possible.  Every one had their mouths on how stupid their children were, how awful their spouse was, how dumb the outside public was, the crowded parking lot.  Yeah.  It’s easier to tear something down or apart than to build it.

I may not believe in blowing sunshine up anyone’s backside, especially when they are being a royal whatever, but every person has beauty inside them.

There’s a lot of times I take things too seriously.  I do.  I know where it comes from and I’m not getting into that here.

At home, to cope with the world at large, my own feelings of helplessness, and feeling like most of the people around me think I am only here for their needs, I keep a few things in mind.  A good chunk of them, I learned from watching Mr. Rogers.

Differences aren’t there to be places of contention.  Point and counter-point harmony aren’t the same as melody.  They are all used in combination.

I did learn that one person can change their world, for the betterment of all, even though the opposite is the norm.

Random acts of kindness and “pay it forward” are two ways of bringing chaos to your own life, breaking out of stifling structure or emotional ruts.  Rules are good to have.  We need structure.  But too much will kill the spirit.

For me, it’s easier to turn off the news.  Turn the radio station away from those who spread negativity about our cold, blustery NY winters, instead of connecting what’s good about it.  Those choices are mine to make.

Seeing someone tired, walking through a store, who probably have just come off a rough shift, those are the people I look for.  Because I know how that feels.  If I see something I like, I say it.  Nice hair.  I like that shirt you have on.  Love the color of that streak of hair.  Beautiful scarf.  What funky boots.  Because you can find beauty and joy is the damndest of places.  I don’t care what race someone is, what culture they come from, if they are old or young.  I say it.

That kind of joy?  You have to look for it, in order to see it.  To become attracted to it.

I’ve learned to count those joys in the world and to tune out blackness and bleakness that there is nothing I can do about, because people would rather complain, just to have something to talk about.

I have a huge sock collection.  Funky, soft, fuzzy, warm, silly, weird, obscure, and slinky.

I watch cartoons.  I canceled cable because I don’t like reality TV.  Instead, I watch my old favorites, and collect those dvd’s.  Including things like the Muppets and Bugs Bunny and Mr. Rogers.

I stop listening to people who shout all the time.  It’s made me a calmer person.  I have more patience and I steer clear of those who don’t posess that quality.  I am happier because of it.

It’s going to take some time, getting all of this back, settled in my day-to-day, the way it used to be.  As I’m searching for work again, I know what to step away from now.  What to look for.  How to assess, because interviews aren’t just for the employer.

I’m going to go see this movie, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, because I need some of that magic, that every day magic, back in my life, where it used to be.

Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2019 09 17

I’m sitting here and I know I have to go to sleep soon.  So much has happened in the past week, my head is spinning from it.

Severe pain, to joy where I am unknowingly singing and humming through my day, and within 24 hours, back to severe pain and wondering what the heck just happened.

Sometimes, I wonder why I care about anything.  Sometimes, I wonder if I can ever care about anything again.

I’m actually avoiding a writing project tonight.

I learned how to make homemade playdough.  I’m kicking myself, because I’m tired and I made a major blunder on such a simple halving of a recipe.  The dough was for some game pieces I will need soon.  I’ve tried lots of different materials before hitting on the dough idea and nothing is quite working out right, so messing up the first batch, when my kitchen is my lab, was sort of, no pun intended, the icing on the cake.

But, way cool that I learned how to make playdough.  What I’m actually doing isn’t playdough, but learning how to frost and make shapes.  I’m going to avoid my writing project again tomorrow by trying a different dough recipe and see if that does what I want.  I’m thinking the flour gluten is too gooey and maybe tapioca would work better for what I want.

Lots of stress in the homefront because one of my cats almost died two weekends ago.  He has a major infection, and I don’t know the cause of it.  I think it may have been the burst pipe and some major fall housekeeping kicking up yuck, but I’m not sure.  His health is inching back to normal, but I worry.  Of course I worry.  The incline is too slow for my liking.

So, in the other hospital room in my house, I have a cat that has a back injury.  It’s permanent, poor thing, and I don’t think it’s safe to ever let him outside again.  We have laser therapy a couple of times a day, which he thinks is just plain fun.  It’s been two long years but this babe finally can move around without his back legs going out from under him all the time.  My vet, who is just amazing, by the way, can’t see what’s wrong.

I mention these two, because I have a lot on my mind.  Major, life altering stuff on my mind.  And, of course, I am thinking about all the things that went wrong in my long term relationship.  Sometimes, I wonder if I will ever not feel the effects of that.  There’s too much going on right now that is paralleling the past.  I can’t help but feel it.  Different people, vastly different circumstances, but I wonder, just how different is it, if the pattern is the same?  I have to remind myself: different.  And how different.  Not to judge two people by the same stick.  That it wasn’t all bad, way back when.  And I kick myself because that’s how the start of talking myself into not leaving when I should have started.  Each and every time.

I don’t like some of what I’ve turned into, due to a couple of long-term, hopeless, helpless situations that had no end in sight.  Yet another parallel.  And I wonder, finally, there is a possible ending to one of them, was any of it worth it?  My answer is still mostly coming up no, even though I didn’t have much choice at the time.  I have more of one now.  Because I stopped caring.  I wonder how the other one will turn out and I just can’t process that information anymore.  It hurts too much.

So, a third cat I have is incredibly old.  18 or so.  He came to live with me as a kitten-ish.  He’s had a chemical imbalance.  Poor thing.  He can’t handle stimulation and was mostly hated by the other cats in the house.  He does not move or sound like a normal cat, either.  He chirps, whistles, howls, clicks, and spits.  None of the other cats would or will play with him.  Even now.  We bought him a couple of stuffed animals, which have made it through the washes all these years.

And me, with my sleeping issues, tried just about every white noise generator out there, to try and stay sleeping for more than a couple of hours at a shot.  Just before Kitten-Ish had moved in, I found these sound tapes.  One of them is the jungle, and there is a soft soliloquy of birds, humming insects, frogs, brooks.  Quite soothing.  Just as you are beginning to relax, a howler monkey comes on.  Rather loud, in the foreground.  It’s completely unexpected.  I laughed so hard, the first time this happened, I actually fell out of bed.

I think this CD is part of how Kitten-Ish learned to “talk.”  Because he howls like this monkey.

Anyway, it’s fifteen years later, and Back-Trouble Kitty, who had been thrown out of a car, by the way, right in front of me, moves in.  As I am beginning to nurse him to health, and hopefully find a new home, guess what happens?  This new household inhabitant also howls like a monkey.  I have two of them now.  They sing the song of my people, quite frequently, and my very old Kitten-Ish has finally found a playmate.

They sing the same song, speak the same sort of crazy, and have a blast.  Kitten-Ish has been a most clingy companion for most of his life, sitting on my lap, shoulder, dashing out to tap my feet, because I have been his primary playmate for so long.  He leaves his play mice on my pillow.  But this past year, no.  He wants in with Back-Trouble Kitty.  All day.  All night.  He comes out to sit with me every once in a bit, but he wants his buddy.

My heart sings with the joy of it.  And I have some hope left inside of me for my future.  Because I have, occasionally, found people who speak my kind of crazy, and I will again.  And in the meantime, I now know how to make play dough.

Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2019 09 01

So, I’m sitting here today, working on two different writing projects, and cleaning up the mess in my kitchen, and what’s really going on is a re-education in absolute love.

This current portion of road I’m on started what seems like eons ago.  It’s part of why I stopped blogging.  There’s too many places I could call it’s starting point.  So, Imma gonna pick about 2 years. 

I found a path that I thought would carry me through several years of my journey, one that I need to have in my life.  It was challenging and met, I’d say, about 80% of my needs of this portion of who I am, in stability, creativity, and my skillsets.  I jumped for it.  I opened my heart to this path, attempting to make the best of a past that I can not change and need to accept there is not really a good way to fully step off the highway, but maybe I get to pick the lane that best suits me.  It has, unfortunately, turned out to be a major source of drama and disappointment.  So much so that while I was meeting the needs of that path, I wound up, once again, stepping off too many others.

There was a second path I had begun that I thought would carry me through several years of my journey, that met the needs of another portion of who I am, in so many ways, I’ve actually lost count.  Opening my heart to this I thought would create new paths, heal old ones, allow me to travel back to myself.  In many ways, it has.  It has, unfortunately, been a major source of grief to me, as well.

The lesson I am getting in Life is one about Denial.  Again.  Denial is a powerful force, almost impossible to deal with.

I fight against this concept and have such a hard time letting go of the psych-ward-style concepts of: that if we just talk things out, everything will be okay and dealt with.  That if someone can just hear the right words, in the right combination, then… the door will unlock and Life will smooth out for a bit.

I am snorting in sardon-ez at the moment, because that very thought, that very concept is the denial I’ve been dealing with, from others that has taken away both paths that I thought were the two major portions of my own.   I feel like screaming and weeping.  I have, for days, because these were two major components of the life I was trying to build for myself.  Not top of the rainbow stuff.  Not the win the lottery dreams.  But good, healthy, every day, this is what is going to be my day-to-day life dreams that give me x, y, z and a really good banana split.

I feel the burn, because, in less than six months, in three different situations, a person simply does not get that the very thing they are bitching about, the very thing they have injected into my life and are objecting to, is the very thing they are doing to me.

Denial sucks, and it doesn’t matter if its from your boss, a coworker, a family member, your best friend, or a client.  People can’t hear, for whatever reason.

It stings.  I have a hard time letting go, even though I am giving the same advice to me that I give to others: Give it three tries.  After which, you’ve done your best.  If they can’t hear you, do both of you a favor and cut it loose.  The only time to break that rule is when they at least try to communicate back, because those are the only ones to ever keep anyway.

I learned that one the hard way, six times over, and I have bled through the nose for long enough.  It sucks when someone basically makes you wait until someone they care about passes on before “they can fully be themselves around you.”  I fell for that one, big time, with all the other lies that went with that, just like if they’d been a married spouse not willing to get divorced, yet still in the dating pool without permission.

I keep going back to the movie, “He’s just not that into you.”  About half way through watching this one, and several times after the fact, it hit me that anyone worth “it” is willing to do the hard thing, and it doesn’t matter what relationship type it is.  It doesn’t matter, really, how that communication happens, or if it’s perfect.

Love is.  And if someone’s going to fight it, fight hearing you, fight seeing what you have to say just because of their own ego- inflated or deflated, then disaster is a self-fulfilling prophecy and it’s okay to say “no” to that.  It isn’t betrayal.  It isn’t that you aren’t strong enough to take it.  It also isn’t anything you have to prove to the other person by crawling through their broken glass repeatedly.  ‘Cause guess what?  Relationships, of any type, take at LEAST two people, and both of them have to be able to say: this is what I want out of it.  It could be something like, “this is what I’m willing to do for a paycheck” or “this is worth me dealing with what I have to do to earn my paycheck, just so I can sit with you and watch Mr. Ed on re-runs,” or “you mean something to me that I can’t quite define and I want to spend time with you but my brain shorts out, can you give me a list to pick from and we’ll go have a blast.”

So, I’m sitting here, with this screaming, weeping feeling, with my brain going 17 million miles an hour, trying to figure out what I could have said or done differently, when I know there isn’t because it does take two people to have that conversation, when I get this lump.

Literally.   A lump.  In my lap.  A tiny squeak.

One of my babes isn’t feeling good and she smells like poo from diarrhea, and won’t let me fully wash it off, and she crawls into my lap, and puts her head back, just the same as when she was a helpless, sick, 5 week old kitten when I found her.

It’s here, and now, that the tears I can’t shed over my life falling apart again finally come.

Saving her, her sisters, and her mother had been hard. I had spent days at the vet. Dealing with my own mother and sister having cancer, on top of it. Dealing with my long term whatever ending. I syringe fed three kittens, seven times a day, dealt with vomit, fever, medicines, shots, the feral-ness of their mother.

And all that love, coming right back at me, when my heart is breaking and feeling like why try again, when people fight so hard not to accept love or kindness in their lives, treating it like it’s garbage, and it comes to me:

This little babe doesn’t speak English. She’s not even human. She has a temper and a will of her own and she definitely has her own likes and dislikes which are quite easy for her to communicate, in or out of her own species. It just isn’t in words. But I understand her, quite well, and apparently, she does understand me, too.

As the tears start coming down, when she’s in my lap and not feeling well, this little babe crawls up my shoulder and just hangs on, purring louder and louder as I finally, finally, can cry. Two beings, both not feeling well, and just holding on through the discomfort of it all, and that is all anyone can really dream of in this Life.

When I get beyond this feeling of loss, I know, I know, she will still be there, making me laugh at her antics, cringe with being woken up at 5 AM, and showing me, yet again, that there are more important things in life than pain, misery, and disappointment, and how the hell to get out of the rabbit holes.

Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2019 08 19

So, the name of my blog is Smashed Potatoes.  For a reason.  Yeah.  I say that sort of thing all the time.  Kind of annoying, huh?

I’m kinda putting this stuff out there right now for a couple of different people, so even tho this may seem disjointed, it really isn’t.  Kind of like string theory.

Life, folks, ain’t fair.  It isn’t math logic.  It isn’t chaos, either, even though it may always feel that way.  I know, because I frequently feel that way.

Those of us who’ve taken the therapy road fall, usually, into one of two categories.  “Hey, I’ve got a handle on this now.  Thanks, Doc.”  And those who fall into “This is what I’m supposed to do to make sense of Life.”  It’s that second category of people I’m sort of talking to at the moment.  I am one and hopefully, recovering from it.

As yukky as this is going to sound, know that I mean it with love and care.  Shut up!  Just… shut up.

Your history is important to you.  Only you.  And you use it as a test to know who is going to be a jerk to you and who isn’t.  The thing is, you’re actually pushing away lots of people.  Because you don’t know how to convert: “hey, I get why this hurts now” into “I’m thinking about pancakes.”  By reciting your rote history, and by now it is rote, you are actually damaging yourself and you don’t even know it.  What you know is that ____ still bloody hurts.  And you just can’t seem to get over it.

I’m telling you.  Shut up about it.  And think.

It probably isn’t that you want someone to actually listen.  Because if you did, your words wouldn’t be a recitation.  They wouldn’t repeat.  And by going ahead and repeating, you are actually reliving what you went through before.  If you did want someone to listen, it wouldn’t usually come in a rush, getting the words in your head slightly out of order because you know the story in your head so well, you have no idea what short cuts you are taking.  And you are still reliving it.  If you did want someone to really listen, what they say would matter and make a difference.  You relive it to the point where it’s a dirt track in your head from all the times you’ve crossed that thought pattern in your mind.

See, those of us on the therapy road or the support groups or prolonged whatever are basically trained to look for patterns of boo-boos.  And that isn’t to make light-hearted comments about that.  Dealing with trauma is never easy.  But I mean we’re actually taught to look for small patterns so we can figure out the big ones.  If we take things apart, identify the problem, identify the wound, then we can heal.  Right?  The problem is that some of us get trained on that too well and we start to think about taking everything apart and we have to identify and we have to label.

Guess what?  The people that hurt us the most are the ones that deny that in the first place.  The very action we need to learn to adopt in order to transfer that hurt into “Mmmmm… pancakes.”  Some of this is called desensitization.

Guess what else? Half the time, that is training even more of us that we have to ritualize the desensitization with even more analysis and labels.

Phew, you’re exhausted all the time right?


So, I’m telling you.  Shut up.  Make yourself matter more than the hurts.    Stop telling people that history that hurts so much to make sure you are around people who get that sort of thing.  Because the *hurt* shouldn’t matter.  *You* should.  I’m not saying ignore it completely. I’m not saying don’t refer to it.  I’m saying, don’t sound like a history book about it.  Don’t live and breathe the pain every waking moment anymore.  Getting to know someone should be about favorite colors, and liking certain cloud patters in the sky, and please avoid mentioning certain superheroes because I can’t deal with it, and I have action movies in common with you.  See?  One in four.  That’s it.  When you get better about it, you will know where your triggers are and can say point blank, “Hey, I don’t deal well with this and I’m not going to put any more energy into fixing it ‘cause I’m not a bleeping robot and I’d rather think about… pancakes.”

This is where the tie-in is gonna happen, so watch for it.

What people really want is for someone to say “I give enough of a ___ about you.”

This is also where most people who are what we call desperate or soul suckers or negative or whatever screw up.  They scream to the universe that they just want someone to love them.  Well, that isn’t true.  They want the people who they care about to stop hurting them.  And it probably isn’t going to happen.  The excuses start happening.  The reasoning starts happening.  The anxiety and pain start happening.  And it repeats, until it builds up into this huge, massive ball of hurt that is incredibly overwhelming.

If I say “I love you” to someone, it means I am willing to deal with chaos, pain, frustration, and illogic.  I’m willing to take the damage your mouth and actions make.  It means you aren’t statistics to me or counting the number of ways we connect or that you fit in a box or paint by numbers any more than I do and I’m not going to dehumanize you by doing that.  I’m going to care about your hurts, large or small.  More importantly, I’m going to still see you as the person you are beyond that pain and do what I can to reconnect those two parts of you.  It means that you are worth it.  I love with the whole of who I am.  Not the finger and elbow.  Not the knee.  Not my paycheck.  Not the three square feet my pillow takes up.

It does not, however, mean that I will let you bleed me dry because you won’t convert pain into “mmmm… pancakes.”  Especially if you put all your time and energy into the people who take you to pieces.  ‘Cause guess what?  A jerk’s a jerk and it doesn’t matter what label they wear for you, be it the clerk at the grocery store, the guy who stole your wallet, the idiot who cut you off on the thruway, or your aunt.

I’m willing to spend all it takes to put you right again.  But not if you’re going to repeat it.  Repeatedly.  If that’s how you want to spend your life, your choice.  Mine would have been to spend it with you, making pancakes and bubbles and laughter and bonking heads and finding common ground, but you obviously don’t want that.  Same exact thought if you put every task in the way.  Because we are not tasks.  We are not math.  We are human beings.

My ex would beg to differ on a lot of this.  Say that I am a complete hypocrite.  As far as he’s concerned, he’s right.  I would be.  Because I used to be one of those people who railed against people not listening.  Especially with him.  I would blather, over-explain.  Because I was trying to get feelings down into labels and math and how to fix.  And I would get pissed that he would never listen.

Idiot me for staying.  He is one of the people I used to be this way about.  “Why don’t you love me?”  Why won’t you listen.  Oh, that’s why you keep me at arm’s length.  I learned to live with less and less.  Every day.  Jokes weren’t about sharing.  They were about him.  Blah, blah, repeat, repeat.

If I had shut up, and I did this quite often and stupidly let people talk me out of it, and instead, listened to what I really wanted, compared to what was going on, I would have left a heck of a lot sooner.  My heart wouldn’t hurt so much.  My entire life would have been different.  I can only partially blame him for being a jerk.  I took that toxic, head on, because when we have that much “therapy” in our lives, we can fix and contol and justify and life will finally make sense.

It does the same if you just decide to like pancakes and focus on that.

To the three people I love most in this world?  I will love you.  I will miss you like crazy and my heart is grieving like there’s no tomorrow.  But I’m getting up again and saying, I love pancakes and that’s more important than the hurt you’ve caused.  You go focus on Life not being perfect and go focus on the family members who treat you like crap and all the things on your honey-do list that will never end.  I’m hurt.  You’ve told me enough times and in enough ways that I’m not important enough for you to give to me what you want so desperately.  If you aren’t willing to say it and mean it, and mean it for more than the moment, well, I can’t help you there.  You can spend the next five years in your toxic.  You can spend the next ten being exhausted.  Loving you in the first place wasn’t wrong and if you want to continue to treat yourself like crap, it’s your choice and my love would never be enough to show you otherwise.  Don’t ask me to hang on when you are too willing to let go, even if it’s under the guise of being supportive.

Me?  I’m shutting up and I’m gonna have pancakes.  Because I get to love me, too.  I’m gonna go look for the honey jar.  And when that’s done, I’m going for smashed potatoes and my cats and my stories and all the things in my life that are pure sunshine.

Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2019 08 06

To love is to accept pain, faith, disappointment, wonderment, grief, mirth,heartache, joy, sorrow, and comfort.  To do so, unconditionally, is to fly in the face of the sun.

I have loved you with all of who I am.  All sides.  The most innocent, the most jaded.  The most feral, the most logical.  I rejoice the day you came back into my life.  I regret the day you came back into my life.  You will be with me, always, as I breathe, whether I wish you to be there or no.

I can not live in a cage, sweetness.  Not inside someone else’s fear.  Never again.  Nor can I ever ask that of someone else.  I do not wish that pain on anyone.  That is the part you forgot.  I could *never* ask that of someone else, in any context of that thought.  Read into that what you will because I will never control you or your thoughts that way.  I won’t make choices for you and someday, maybe, you’ll get that not making a choice *is* a choice. 

Sunshine, honey, cinnamon, and freedom.  It was always that simple.  There wasn’t anything *to* read into.

I can only hope, that someday, your heart will heal enough.  For now, mine will remain dark.  I wish you joy.

Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2019 06 29

Well, my darlings, I have great news and not so great news.

Several months of extreme stress, and I became sick about a month ago.  On the plus side, I have finally quit smoking for good this time.  I have also let go of a one-sided friendship.  A hard, painful goodbye.  On another plus side, I have gotten a reminder lesson of what to take seriously and what to not.  I told someone yesterday that if I did have cancer, did I really want to return to the situation I have been living in for months, with the amount of bitchiness and sabotage.  The answer is no.

Life is too short.

I’ve been struggling to move and to be awake.  Just like a couple of years ago, when I was out of work for 10 months.  I learned a long time ago to leave behind people who would wrap me in silk due to being sick.  I learned that people who do this, can’t deal.  They make the outbursts they do for themselves.  They treat those who are sick as incapable for their own needs.  That they have a hard time coping and will keep a sick person sicker or worse, to fulfill only their own needs.  I’ve learned to find life where I can, to bring it in, no matter where I am or what is happening.

It’s okay.  This reflection time has given me back my perspectives.  I have found new happiness with my home life and my writing.

In the past couple of days, I have been able to find a new way to breathe life into my books.  I will be able to print hardcopies of books and have an easier time of designing games.

This is my best news.  One of the biggest blocks to me getting my products out is finding printers and custom manufacturers that can make the items for my games.  Finding cost-effective game pieces has been a hard road and I wound up frustrated when I have designed a game only to find out that the printers don’t make the pieces I had in mind.

Today, even though I am in debt, and will be even more so with the recent trip to the emergency room, I bought equipment that will allow Murder By Six to better manufacture the sort of games I want to make, and allow me to print my books.  I am super-super excited and  I hope I can finally bring all the designs I’ve had over the past 7 years to life.

Bless you and may fair winds be at your back…

Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2018 12 02

Today has been… a day.  I’d like to say it’s been a rare one, but I can’t.

I fought with my greenhouse outside, did some laundry, took a nap.  Did chores.  A typical weekend day.  But it didn’t turn out that way.

I popped in a movie- Guardians of the Galaxy.  By it’s end, even with the movie score and the fight scenes, my house was quiet.  A normal day around here is quiet, without a lot of music.  But this was that- it’s 3 am and its raining and peaceful kind of quiet.

This summer, I didn’t post very much because, to be honest, I was downright miserable.  I haven’t been able to write much.  Edit, yes.  And I’ve finished my RPG, which was mostly technical double-checking and math.  As far as fun or peace or feeling like I could do anything other than get up and go to work?  No.

I did run into problems this weekend.  Frustration.  Severe frustration that had me screaming.  I heard a sound come out of me that I haven’t in a good, long time.  Six, seven years.  And I thought- is this it?  Is this what Life is ever going to hold for me?

Today, though… It’s been a day.  I sat on my bed, watching the battle cruiser or whatever it was blow up on tv, and I realized- it’s quiet.  My mom-radar went off.  Because, with my cats, quiet like that usually means something bad, like someone’s knocked over the upstairs tv.  But it wasn’t.

I turned around and four furry bodies were stretched out in relaxation on the end of the bed.  All sleeping.  Perfectly content.

(I have to chuckle at the moment because my mostly blind cat thinks she sees something in the glass on the tv stand.  She’s watching “it” rather intently.)

Some of my babes have had it hard.  Like I have.  Seeing those bellies up, paws stretched out toward each other or me or simply off the edge of the bed…  Sigh.  I did something right.  I feel kinship and happiness.  Peace just washed over me.  And that sound…  the sound that happens at three in the morning… that was all throughout my house.  I sat and watched them for a few moments, instead of the end of the movie.

I made two very big changes- simple ones, but big- and it’s made a difference.

There’s a point I think everyone gets to, where they feel like they are just being ground upon until there isn’t anything left except to become that cog.  My changes have made an impact.  Nothing glamorous, like seeing the ultimate concert or anything like that.  It’s small things.  Little moments throughout my days that have turned me upside down and make days like today possible.  Bad shit, like my car battery dying again, still happen.  I am different.

And as I watched my little ones, I realized I, too, was stretched out, completely relaxed.  It’s been happening more.  That feeling, that sound, has been happening more lately.  That my troubles and cares are still there- they haven’t melted completely- but they aren’t as important.  I have things that I look forward to now, without cringing.  It’s been slow.  I’ve been waiting for a long time for this to start happening, because I knew what the problem was, years ago.  Choices I made and started setting up- small and large- are in place this time.  Today was a day to be.  Not let go.  Not deal.  Not chores.  Not a lot of not-negatives.

Peace settled over me and my house, and I enjoyed every moment of it.

Blessings, all.