Well, my darlings, I have great news and not so great news.
Several months of extreme stress, and I became sick about a month ago. On the plus side, I have finally quit smoking for good this time. I have also let go of a one-sided friendship. A hard, painful goodbye. On another plus side, I have gotten a reminder lesson of what to take seriously and what to not. I told someone yesterday that if I did have cancer, did I really want to return to the situation I have been living in for months, with the amount of bitchiness and sabotage. The answer is no.
Life is too short.
I’ve been struggling to move and to be awake. Just like a couple of years ago, when I was out of work for 10 months. I learned a long time ago to leave behind people who would wrap me in silk due to being sick. I learned that people who do this, can’t deal. They make the outbursts they do for themselves. They treat those who are sick as incapable for their own needs. That they have a hard time coping and will keep a sick person sicker or worse, to fulfill only their own needs. I’ve learned to find life where I can, to bring it in, no matter where I am or what is happening.
It’s okay. This reflection time has given me back my perspectives. I have found new happiness with my home life and my writing.
In the past couple of days, I have been able to find a new way to breathe life into my books. I will be able to print hardcopies of books and have an easier time of designing games.
This is my best news. One of the biggest blocks to me getting my products out is finding printers and custom manufacturers that can make the items for my games. Finding cost-effective game pieces has been a hard road and I wound up frustrated when I have designed a game only to find out that the printers don’t make the pieces I had in mind.
Today, even though I am in debt, and will be even more so with the recent trip to the emergency room, I bought equipment that will allow Murder By Six to better manufacture the sort of games I want to make, and allow me to print my books. I am super-super excited and I hope I can finally bring all the designs I’ve had over the past 7 years to life.
Bless you and may fair winds be at your back…