Katirn Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2018 07 13

My buddy Magoo is at a gaming convention right now and I was sharing a memory with him.  I used to love table top war games, including Warhammer and Warhammer 40K.

I played, years ago.  Tyranids.  Or Bugs, if you know your lingo.

I will tell you a story that I told him, with pictures.  I don’t have rights to the images on these links and they aren’t my pieces, but they will show you what I am talking about.

I love to play the bad guy in games.  In the case of WH40: Bugs.  This link will take you to front line gaming.  About a third to a quarter down the page, you will see a picture for Carnifex.  This is an old school carnifex.  What I had when I played.

If you look closely, you will see that Carnifex has an open mouth with teeth.

One day, I was at my local Hobby Store, playing a massive meat-grinder game.  I had a carnifex on the table and my mental glitterbombs went off.  I don’t know how or why, but they did.

I said- “He looks sad.  He looks hungry.  That he needed a ham sandwich.  Carnie needs a ham sandwich.”

This, of course, broke up my table mates into hysterical laughter.

That night, I went home and painted the inner claws with glitter paint.  And later on, I found a little doll plate that had 2 slices of bread and an apple on it.  So he could have an appetizer before he ate through the marine army I was used to playing against.

“Carnie wants a ham sandwich” became my battle cry.  Complete with glitter and …

Well.  Chuckles… good times.  Good memories.


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