Ugh. Peace. Yippee! Sleep.
Ok, it’s not June and summer is already killing me. I thought having the flu for 3 weeks was bad. I forget, every year. I mean, I know it, in the back of my head, that it’s coming. The heat wave I dread the way most people dread snow. I actually got a snark comment from someone the other day for not coming out to a picnic. Well, my dear, you don’t know me well enough, but I am guessing our mutual friend wouldn’t appreciate me booting all over her lovely, decorated table, which is why, while I was invited, she knows I wouldn’t be coming outside for anything.
When I was young, you couldn’t get me to come inside in the summer for anything. ANYTHING. Not even a book.
These days, I hibernate all summer. So I’m not minding so much that I’m having trouble figuring out why my oscillating sprinkler isn’t… well, oscillating. It was nice to come home and get soaked with cold water. My poor plants aren’t doing so well. But I will figure it out. I bought a timer for the sprinkler, to run twice a day. I am going to get peppers this year, and I won’t mind the least little bit weeding in the heat with that cold wet hitting me.
Today is the first peaceful day I’ve had at work in months. I feel like I got something done. Actually done. I sang with my music when I wasn’t wilting from the overly warm room, and I found a way to sit on the floor and still get my work done. I’m going looking for an oversized stool this weekend, where I can be down closer to the register where my air comes out. And to top it off, these past handful of months of hard, 10-12 hour days are about to pay off. Peace and I see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Yippee is for the check I got today. I want to thank everyone at Play the Game, Read the Story in Syracuse, NY for helping me with my initial run of Survival:Heaps. I have a couple of tweaks to do for the manufacturing process, and then Heaps will be out for mass sale, along with Survival: Chili. It is wonderful to see proceeds for the hard work and labor of love. Theirs and my own. This day has been 15 years in the making and I feel like I have the energy now to keep going. Right into publishing my first role-playing game and module. YES!
Jana has Lamp Light in her hands. Another piece of excitement for me. I am going to start dealing with Novo Series: Alder next, then Bug Light, Haven Point Series, Book 2.
I’ve started shopping for a kayak. Yes, I know. The heat. I will beat it somehow and I know it’s cooler on the water. The one I fell in love with is well out of my price range, darn it. So I am wrestling with both my conscience and practical side. I see it as something I wouldn’t be using all the time, especially since I’d have to lug it off and on the car all the time, get a roof rack installed, plus being out of my budget. But ohhhh, this one looks comfy and durable. And cool. Not heat cool. But cool. Where I could be floating on a lake, with a pole and a book, of course, and have a place to keep it all safe and dry and then go zooming around, with it’s blue streaks… Ah, well. We’ll see.
And, while I hate to have to say this, I feel like I’m healing from a pretty deep cut finally. Unintentionally done by someone I do care about. I decided a long time ago that living is better than healing but I never quite get to that living part, which is part of the pretty deep cut. I’m coming out of my funk and hopefully, putting my energy into something I can actually do something about, like the garden, will get me back on the right path, where I need to be. I’m sleeping better. A lot better and more consistently. Beating myself into the ground *pun intended* with the whirlwind gardening has helped. This problem, I’ve tried several times to walk away from or to deal with directly. Neither works. So I’ve decided to not think about it. It takes two people. I’ve done my part and it’s time to go find a way to get peppers to grow.
My cats are gonna love me tonight. The A/C is going in, and we’re all going to sleep like over-fed kittens on my brand new sheets (Yes, another yippee!) before I go back to the hardware store tomorrow and buy 2 new screen doors to let the cool air circulate through my house better.
Bless, all.