Well. That was interesting!
I just stepped outside for a moment, to take a break, and two men were walking down my street. They stopped to speak with me for a moment. One saw the back of my car and recognized my penname from Facebook!
This is wonderful! He asked my advice on writing his own book and we chatted for a few moments. How awesome!
This, after helping to save a wounded ‘possum on my way home from work. Poor thing was dragging a leg and its ear was split. I called for help and advice, picked the babe up, put it in my car, and drove it to the closest vet, after getting some wonderful assistance from a wildlife rehabber. How cool is that? This is what I remember doing years ago. I have done some, since, but my focus has been more on what’s in front of me, which is normally abused domestic animals.
I feel truly blessed today. Weird, but blessed.
All I can think at the moment is that it’s nice to get back to being. To do, to give, to love, to cherish the life I have and accept that goodness is all around, no matter how odd or possibly painful or wonderful it may be, and as long as I’m open to it, more will come. As exhausted I am at the moment, between stress and very little sleep, I feel very much alive, and all that nattering that’s been going on in the back of my head is quiet. Because if I hadn’t been so tired, I would have stayed at work longer and I wouldn’t have been able to help that poor creature suffering in pain or met the wonderful people at the clinic or the wildlife rehabber over the phone or any of the other people who helped me find a way to manage to do this.
So many wonderful things can happen out of the worst and that animal will get the help it needs from very caring people. It’s going to a good place, where it will have safety and freedom, no matter if the leg is completely useless.
Blessings, all!