Signing off for a while, my lovelies. I am too angered by a new chapter of psycho-babble drama that I have been trying to step away from since I was a teenager and I am choosing to, instead of writing about it and how I deal with it in this blog, get to work on refining Haven Point series Book 2 as well as get into the mindset of Eli, my main villain in the Novo:Ridge Lake series. Might as well use that pissed off for something creative and useful instead of repeating a dance I wanted to stop decades ago. Not going to let it stop me this time from living the good parts of my life that I’ve given up on too many times to count.
I’ve gotten a lot done with Velod’s Caravan, especially this week with a massive edit, and I am on time with it’s Spring release. The first expansion pack for Survival:Heaps should be out within a couple of weeks and Survival:Chili is well into it’s conception stage. I’m about to start up with the first set of mock ups. Hopefully, it’ll do better than Survival:Worms, which I’m thinking about making into a game about chickens instead.
I’ll be putting out some funny-funnies as I come across them. Please don’t ask or think too hard about where the oatmeal and pop-rocks one came from. Let’s just say I was awake and no damage came to the walls in my kitchen.
Have an awesome, my dears. I’ll see you on the flip side.