Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2018 01 03

The joke is SO on me!

A prank that wasn’t.

Today, while at work, I answered the phone and nearly pissed myself.  The tech that was calling, out of the blue mind you, sounded exactly like one of my closest friends.  Tone, pitch, that slight gruffy undercurrent, wording, inflections.  You name it.

I thought it was my friend calling me, not actually knowing the name of the place where my new job is, to pull off a prank.  This guy’s kinda on the resourceful side if he puts his mind to it.  That’s a big if, but the voice on the other end of the line was so… so… accurate!

I tried so hard to keep my mind where it should have been, but I could barely concentrate on the information the tech was giving me.  Inside, I was giggling very hard.

So, I’ve “met” a vocal doppelganger of my friend.  So much that I very nearly called the tech by my friend’s name and more than once.  The even more weird part?

I did ask the tech if he was from around this area.  Nope.  Never even been to this part of the country.  I explained why.  We both laughed pretty hard about it.  Even weirder, the guy on the phone went to college for the exact thing my friend does for a living.

How odd is that?

I am still giggling at the prank that I wound up pulling on myself.

Have an awesome night, all!


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