Katrin Greene’s Smashed Potatoes 2017 12 08

Love is…

Jana has been teasing me this week.  A lot!  She’s been such a blessing since I had an incredibly painful, ironic situation happen.  The details of that will remain private but it has shaken me awake even more.

I think one of the hardest parts of letting go is not knowing what to fill yourself with afterwards.  A lot of people feel that I think or worry too much.  I’d say that’s about half true.  The analyzing I do comes from four different sources inside myself.  One of the ones I have been, well… not analyzing, but allowing it to be in my consciousness has been a complex puzzle.  The general love I have for others.  For what is outside of myself.

I am smiling softly at memories that most would find to be either outrageous or completely outside mainstream.  Which, I would have to say, they are.  I am thinking about my pack.  How we lived, way back in the day, as they say.  It’s with fondness and affection.  I am also fully aware that I would not want to return to the chaos or drama of it.  Those memories are also alive and always in the background.

I have a handful of Billy Joel songs playing in my head as I think about them.  “Keeping the Faith” is one of them.

“Still I would not be here now; If I never had the hunger; And I’m not ashamed to say; The wild boys were my friends”   and   “You can linger too long; In your dreams; Say goodbye to the; Oldies but goodies; ‘Cause the good ole days weren’t; Always good; And tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems…”

I love those guys, despite the pain that I endured since.  I found forgiveness.  This is still a shock to me that I did.  The memories of my daughter passing isn’t as hard and the miscarriages of every child since then doesn’t seem so harsh.  I found a way to let go and still retain what I believe in.  That I can love someone, irregardless of the damage they cause.

There is a book I read once… Unfortunately I can’t remember the name of it, but it basically boiled down to: “My feelings of love for you have nothing to do with you.”  This was so freeing.  Like a brick to my head.

There’s been many, many moments I’ve had like that.  “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend,” a movie, and, yes- definitely a chick flick, was one of them.  At the end, the hero of the story completely melts his girlfriend’s pain by telling her they could adopt.  It may have been a movie but I’ll tell you, watching that changed so much of my perspective on my long term relationship and what was wrong with it.  There were two children I had wanted to adopt back then.  And my ex and I had many intimacy issues after I lost the last child.  This movie fixed a lot of my broken heart.

I mention these because while I could, and have, sat and let my heartache bleed out, I can’t say I have many regrets.  I think that love, in all its wondrous forms, is part of why Life is worth living.  It’s not my ultimate but I can say that no matter what damage I’ve taken, being able to love and to feel is right up there.  And to hell with logic, which can be used to justify just about anything.  Logic isn’t about being alive.  I have loved the wrong people.  I have left myself open.  And, while I am deeply hurt in some pretty horrendous ways, I can’t say I regret.  The hurt is.  It just is.

I don’t regret loving the people who have done such tremendous damage.  I don’t regret loving my ex of 17 years.  The love I felt for this man was incredibly strong and was there because of who he was underneath.    What I do regret is stepping on myself and accepting that he chose to give so little.  What I regret is not walking away when I should have.  What I regret is accepting that the person he was remain buried and I stayed, constantly trying to communicate with someone who, ultimately, chose fear and to not hear me.  It was his choice, how he wanted to live that life.  It hurts, hearing that the life I had wanted to live with him is one that he chose to live with another.   That’s on him and I don’t own the pain of it anymore.

My “movie moments,” those experiences that mostly come from reading books or occasionally with people, they are the stuff of dreams and I hold them dearly.  Cherish them deeply.  Let them move me and heal me and feed me and touch deep within.  THAT is love.  That is Life.

I have returned to work, which is nice.  One of the things I missed about working was coming home.  I live in innocence, in many ways.  A soft bubble inside my home.  My cats greet me at the door.  Wake me.  Spend their days with me, as I do them.  I rush to get home from errands or being outside.  While most might find that annoying, I do not care.  I am loved.  Cherished. Wanted.  Sought out.  For being who I am.  After a lifetime of being pushed aside?  This is the love I seek.  Why should I push or fight to be within someone’s life that does not reach out for me?  I do not need to.  I have the shocking joy of waking from the cold nose of one my cats on my back.  I sleep to the memory of someone’s hands in my hair and their arms around me.  I dream of the love I have pulled into my life, even if it is no longer present, and cherish the love that is right in front of me.

I mention Jana’s teasing…  It is because one of the books I have written is solely for my own pleasure.  One I will not publish.  It was a way for me to say “goodbye” to my ex.  A way for me to find my own voice again.  My own perspective.  To define what I wish for my future.  Wrapped up in the love of someone who would not wait or hesitate or live in fear.  Wrapped up in the love of my pets.  Wrapped up in the comfort of my home.  Wrapped up in the love of knowing that, while whomever I let in will cause hurt and damage, if there is effort, the pain will lessen and the care between people can heal anything.

Loving this completely?  I am still capable of it.  I will still seek it.  I am not made of such stern stuff that I feel no pain.  It is that I know and accept that love, in any form, can be both painful and rewarding beyond any grief or hardship.  It is how I have always been.  What I will always be.  So, if I am caught up in thinking, it is mostly because I do not regret and do not wish to have regret.  I have loved and lived.  I love and live and I will not apologize or walk away from it ever again.  I will enjoy the rain storms and the snow and watch the flowers bloom.  I will love the people I love and accept that that is who I am, even if they can not.

Blessings, all.


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